
A tool for modelling biochemical treatment processes such as activated sludge processes for wastewater treatment in Julia.

This package is designed to be a flexible tool for modelling biochemical treatment processes. It allows users to simulate such processes and components by defining and connecting them through subsystems.


The code for the module is hosted at BioChemicalTreatment.

Feature summary

The idea behind BioChemicalTreatment.jl is to create a package that can be used to model any biochemical treatment process. Several reactor types and biochemical models are included. It is compatible with the Modeling Toolkit Standard Library in the sense that any signal can be connected to the ModelingToolkitStandardlibrary.Blocks (after suitable conversion). This enables inclusion of control loops (e.g. PID for aeration), other signal processing tasks (e.g. low-pass for signal smoothing) and more in the models of the biochemical treatment processes.

Feature List

Matrix-defined models

Note that all models marked as Matrix-defined are included in this package as so-called artifacts. This means that they are not downloaded by default, but lazily on demand for the first use and for the first usage, an active internet connection is required.

The reason behind this is to reduce memory usage as there may be a large number of models in the package which are not used for every user. By downloading it only on demand, it is ensured that only the needed models are on the system.

To manually download the models (e.g, for later offline usage), the following snippets can be used: First load the TOML file associated with the package

import Pkg
using BioChemicalTreatment

toml = Pkg.Artifacts.find_artifacts_toml(pathof(BioChemicalTreatment))

Then either download a model of your choice by replacing "MODELNAME" with the model name to download:

Pkg.Artifacts.ensure_artifact_installed("model_MODELNAME", toml)

or download all models with:

Modeling Toolkit Standard Library

The systems under "Modeling Toolkit Standard Library Compatibility" provide interfaces to connect the models for biochemical treatment processes in this library with the systems from the Modeling Toolkit Standard Library. This enables the connection of any signal in this library to the ModelingToolkitStandardlibrary.Blocks (after suitable conversion) and the functionality provided there can be used.

This includes various signal processing utils, e.g.

Install and remove

To install the package and test if it runs:

julia --project=.
using Pkg
] # to open the package manager prompt
add BioChemicalTreatment
# go back with backspace and use it
using BioChemicalTreatment
BioChemicalTreatment.welcome() # returns "Welcome to BioChemicalTreatment"

You can remove the package with

rm BioChemicalTreatment

User Manual

Examples for the ProcessSimulator Submodule

Examples for the Reactions Submodule

Reference Manual


The preferred way to contribute is to raise an issue using the issue tracker to raise awareness. In addition, merge requests are always welcome. In particular, anyone adding a new model or system is strongly encouraged to open a merge request to include it in the BioChemicalTreatment.jl library.

For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you want to change, in order to avoid unnecessary work.

And please always make sure to update the tests as appropriate.


If you use BioChemicalTreatment.jl in your work, please cite the following, but note that the order of the authors can arbitrarily be chosen:

	title = {{BioChemicalTreatment.jl} to model biochemical processes in water and wastewater treatment},
	url = {},
	author = {Florian Wenk and Juan Pablo Carbajal and Andreas Froemelt and Mariane Yvonne Schneider},
	year = {2023}


Install development version

Install the latest development version of the code using

julia --project=.
using Pkg
] # to open the package manager prompt
# go back with backspace and use it
using BioChemicalTreatment
BioChemicalTreatment.welcome() # returns "Welcome to BioChemicalTreatment"

If you want to work with a specific branch instead, change the link to (set BRANCHNAME to the name of the branch you want to install).


The documentation uses LaTeX with (TikzPictures.jl)[] for generate some of the graphics. Compiling those, and thus building the documentation, requires lualatex and dvisvgm installed.

To build the documentation locally, these dependencies have to be installed first: Lualatex can be installed through texlive or MiKTeX. You can get dvisvgm here. If you are using Debian/Ubuntu or similar, all dependencies can be installed using sudo apt-get install pdf2svg texlive-latex-base texlive-binaries texlive-pictures texlive-latex-extra texlive-luatex.

Once these dependencies are installed, the documentation can be built locally. For this, you need to first instantiate the docs project. To do this run the following command from the root folder of the repository:

julia --project=docs -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.develop(PackageSpec(path=pwd())); Pkg.instantiate();'

in some consoles you might need to replace ' with "

You need to do this only once, or when you change the dependencies for the documentation. Once this is done, you can generate the documentation using the command:

julia --project=docs -e 'include("docs/make.jl")'

in some consoles you might need to replace ' with " and use \" for the internal quotes.

The generated HTML will be in the docs/build folder.

To run the doctests you can run:

julia --project=docs -e '
    using Documenter: DocMeta, doctest; using BioChemicalTreatment, ModelingToolkit, DifferentialEquations, Plots; 
    DocMeta.setdocmeta!(BioChemicalTreatment, :DocTestSetup, :(using BioChemicalTreatment; using ModelingToolkit); recursive=true)
    doctestfilters = [
            r"(?<=[\.0-9]{6})[\.0-9]+", # Compare numbers only until the fifth significant digit
            r"(?<=\d)\.\d+(?=e-[5-9])", # Compare only leading digits for numbers smaller than 1e-4
            r"(?<=\d)\.\d+(?=e-\d+\d)", # Compare only leading digits for numbers smaller than 1e-10
            r"(?<=ODESystem\(0x)[\da-f]+(?=,)", # Ignore ODESystem tags/ids
            r"(?<=Plot{)[^}]*n=\d*(?=})", # Ignore Plot number
            r"(?<=connect\()[^\)]*(?=\))", # Do not check connection contents (sometimes they are printed, sometimes not)
    doctest(BioChemicalTreatment; manual = true, doctestfilters)'

This command can be joined with the previous one to run doctests and build the docs.


For testing the project, use the following command:

using Pkg, BioChemicalTreatment

This executes all tests for the package as well as the doctests.